Monday, November 15, 2010
Web Visible
Monday, October 18, 2010
Holiday Cards
Word Gymnastic
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Dr. Wade Grindle MD
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
When Buying Bread and Cereals
Bread is a perishable food and is likely to become stale and develop bread mold and ropiness. Buy only the needed quantity. Leftover bread must be stored in a clean, dry and well ventilated container.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Guidelines in Buying Meat
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Law Enforcement Business Cards
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Meaning of Manicure
Monday, August 16, 2010
Filipino Values and the factors that Influence these Values in the Family
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Interviewing People
Friday, August 6, 2010
Anybody can help Me and explain about Blogvertise Payments Satus
These are only few, these are my payments status on my blogvertise account, it is stated that I am paid already. But I never receive all these payments that are stated and shown on my Payments status. Not only all of these, I have many post already for the past year, that also stated paid but I wonder why and where they pay me ?I always check my Paypal account if the payments are stated there and if they really pay me through my Paypal account, but sad to say only few of their payments are stated on my Paypal account that Paypal was receive. Many are not really paid as it is stated in my blogvertise payments status. Below are some of my blogvertise payments status that stated and shown that it is paid already. General 07/06/201008/05/2010 $ _Paid
. General 06/23/201007/23/2010 $ _Paid
. $ _Paid
. General 03/24/201004/23/2010 $ _Paid
. General 03/22/201004/21/2010 $_ Paid
. General 03/01/201003/31/2010 $- Paid
. General 02/19/201003/21/2010 $ _Paid
. General 02/09/201003/11/2010 $ _Paid
. General 02/09/201003/11/2010 $ _Paid
. General 02/08/201003/10/2010 $ _Paid
. General 02/08/201003/10/2010 $ _Paid
. $ _Paid
All of these are not really paid, I never receive these kind of payments through my Paypal account. I was wondering why, If they really pay my post already why I never receive an emails from them (blogvertise) that stated their payment sent to paypal so that I can see the details Like IZEA. INC. did to all of their payments to their blogger members. Like, if they sent me a payment to my post they sent me an email stated that I am paid already through paypal and I can check the details through my paypal account.Also Paypal sent an email to me stated the details about the payments they receive from IZEA.
Blogvertise is not, I don't know if I paid already, so to know it I always check my payments status on my blogvertise account, if they already made a payment to me, as I check my Payments status account, it is stated and shown that I already paid, I emmediately check my Paypal if the details are there, but sad to say, I don't see the details, and as far as I know if Paypal receives payments they sent also an email to the recipient stating the transaction details.So meaning they really not paid my post, their payment status shown that my post is paid are not really true, they lie to me. I already sent a message to them, hope they fix these problem. Not only now they are doing this to me, I have many post does not really paid as what stated on my payments status account, only now I am com-plaining because I can't endure already their lies. Anybody encounter these kind of problem on Blogvertise account?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Want to Use Glutathione or Not
A sampling of a few websites shows that glutathione seems to be a wonder substance, with the ability to ''increase energy, improve concentration, slow aging, and protect the skin,'' and even appearing to'' protect against cancer, heart disease, premature aging, autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses.''
Locally, however, it is glutathione's apparent ''side-effect'' of making skin whiter or fairer that has catapulted it into almost superstar fame.
Glutathione, it is claimed, helps remove toxins that darken the skin. Renowned toxicologist Dr. Kenneth Hartigan-Go explains that glutathione is a substance that is actually produced in the human liver and plays a role in our bodies' metabolism. ''It's found in the kidneys and liver. It helps in detoxifying certain substances from our bodies,'' he says.
Medically, glutathione is sometimes used as a treatment for poisoning and certain drug overdoses. To the possible dismay of glutathione's many fans, he then announces, ''Beyond that, glutathione pills do not helps as they claim to do.''
He explains that while the body produces glutathione on its own, it cannot absorb glutathione that is ingested.'' Patients who need glutathione are actually given N-acetyl-cystein, a substance that is transformed into glutathione by the body,'' he says. ''Think about it, what is the point of taking a substance that your body cannot absorb? This is most probably why there are no studies to show the dangers of overdosing on glutathione, because you can't absorb in the first place if you take it orally.''
''In general, so-called 'nutriceuticals' or nutritional supplements' really have no benefits, even if you take them in large doses,''Hartigan-Go says. ''While experiments show that vitamins or other substances may have beneficial properties, these experiments are all done in laboratories, in test tubes, in petri dishes. Who is to say that these interactions that are done outside of the human body will have the same effect once inside the body?''
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Introducing Others
1. Ana, this is my brother, Ric.He is at present taking law in the University of the Philippines. Riza is our class treasurer.
2. Albert, this is my friend, Nick. He can paint and draw very well. Albert is a member of our high school band.
3. Miss de Guzman, this is Mr. Alejandrino. He made the table lamp that you saw in Ana's home.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Concentrate on your work when Studying
Have a Clear Idea of what you should Accomplish in studying each Subject
Understand the assignment and do what it task for. It is very important that you take down assignments accurately. The assignment tells what you are to do. It shows you the goal in the study of a particular lesson. You should therefore have a clear understanding of what it ask for.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Filipino Family in Relation to Society Culture and Values
1. It is group of people united by marriage, blood or adoption. Marriage unite husband and wife while between parents and children the relationship is by consanguinity.
2. The family usually live together under one roof.
3. The members associate with one another according to their roles as husband, wife, sons, daughters, etc.
4. Family members enjoy their life together playing their various roles.
Society on the other hand, is a voluntary association of individuals organized and working together for common end and periodically meeting because of common interest,beliefs, and professions.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Suboxone Withdrawal
Knowledge at your Fingertips
Encyclopedia Britannica
Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Americana
Also, by using the computer, multimedia encyclopedias are also accessible. A multimedia encyclopedia is a collection of reference articles with texts, photographs, and diagrams supplemented by videos, animations, interactive features, sound clips, and other content. It has 3 forms 1. one or more CD-ROMs (Compact Disc Read-only Memory); 2. on a DVD-ROM (Digital Videodisc Re4ad-only Memory); and (3)online-that is, via the internet.
World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia
Microsoft Encarta
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Did You Know?.....
There are large deposits of shale oil around the world. In the future, they may be mined to produce more gasoline!!!!!!!!!!,.....
The unhelpful heritage vanishes.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Green Hornet Costumes
Friday, July 9, 2010
Oxis International Inc. Product Solutions

Oxis International Inc. is principally engage in the research and development of technologies and therapeutic products in the field of oxidative stress and inflammatory reaction. Some facts that the company has, they have Advancing Oxidative Stress Technology Oxis International Inc. the premier provider for the potent antioxidant, Ergothioneine, and through their patented synthetic manufacturing process, they remains the only significant commercial source of pure L-ergothioneine worldwide. More than that see their webpage today to know about their anti-aging products, antioxidant, glutathione, penny stocks and free radical. To learn more about their products see oxis on twitter and oxis on facebook.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Linkfromblog Dot Com
To all bloggers who want to earn extra income or mommy's at home that are part time blogger start earning money online today. Like me lets try if this website will quite good than others. This is blog advertising. They will ask you to review advertisers products, and if your post or review will approve, there you can earn money. Some awesome website isn't it?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Educational Toys
Like people of India, music is a sacred form of artistic expression dating back to ancient times. Over the centuries,the Indians have developed their own musical style, form, and principles of composition that are extremely different from the Western orientation.
Not all of us learn about India's intricate musical system, musical traditions, and historical background. We shall recall the Vedas, India's religious chants, to know the raga, the tala, and the drone which are the basic musical elements of India.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Luau Invitations
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Euro Tail lights
The euro tail lights. Their products are cheaper than others that have, and they also give 25% discount including free delivery. Once you have done your orders, you will have it after 2 days of billing. You will also be happy for their customer support also their online transaction are safe and secure. All products that are manufactured in these website are from high quality materials and latest technologies to attract more costumers. And this euro tail lights throws high beam of light while you are traveling on the road to see the roadway clearly even in the darkest area. So maybe next week we are going to purchase this products as soon as possible.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Bedroom Furniture Store
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Fixing Hair Problems
When you just came back from the beach, and your hair color seems to have gotten lighter after the trip. Apply a deep conditioning treatment on your hair before swimming and leave it on to avoid salt water and chlorine causes your hair color to get lighter.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Do you have the opportunity?
On the other hand, if your company has a well-structured hierarchy, each resignation is a chance for you to climb one step up the ladder. This is also true if your company is expanding its business by opening new offices or entering new offices or entering new markets.
If you are working for a company that will not provide you opportunities for growth, scout around for one that will. Staying in and resenting a company that does not allow you to grow is a disservice to both you and the company.
If you do get a job offer, assess whether or not the new company can promise a higher position and better benefits. IF you'll be stuck with the same level or compensation package, you're only making a lateral transfer.
That might not be worth giving up your old job. The only exception is if the new company can provide you with the experience you need for a higher level position.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Forming Effective Study Habits
Study Hints
Make a Study Program
We must plan out our day so that we can at regular hours. We can use our vacant periods for studying. Like study at home early in the morning, before supper, or in the evening before going to bed. When we are usually free from work at home. A regular schedule for studying will help us get better results.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
How can I protect my right to see my child?
If parents an amicable settlement on the custody and visitation rights of their children, then this saves everyone from anxiety, trauma, and the hassle of endless court hearings. Of course many husbands still exert greater power and influence other their wives, and many more are financially more stable. This can effect the wife's ability and confidence in fighting for her custody rights. Thus, care should be taken in these settlements to ensure that everyone's interests are protected. A lot of discernment and self-examination must be done in deciding who is the best custodian who could serve the best interests of the children.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Consolidate your investments
Friday, June 4, 2010
Cold Storage

Herb. Want to make your fresh herbs last longer? Just keep a few springs in a little bit of water and store in you refrigerator to have fresh herbs at your fingertips!
Strange Ref Fellows

Candle. Did you know candles that have been kept in the refrigerator will take longer to burn? Yup, just store them in the fridge two to three hours before using.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tips for buying shoes
Make sure the material allows for air circulation. Plastic materials will just make your feet sweat.
You must be able to bend the shoe with your hands. A flexible sole is important because it helps keep the feet in balance while walking or running.
Buy shoes in the afternoon when your feet are at their biggest. Well hope that this tips can guide you when to buy shoes.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Japanese Poetry
Poetry is a favorite among the Japanese. The oldest collection of poetry- Manyo Shu ( Collection of myriad leaves ) - was compiled in A.D, 800. The collection titled One Hundred Persons was compiled much later.
The writing of poetry was a required ability among the aristocratic classes. Skill in the art led to promotions in court. Poetic ability was also necessary for courtship: a suitor's letter to his love one had to be exquisitely written in poetry. This was carefully folded and tied with a spray of flowers before it was sent.
Japanese poems have a certain suggestive quality, with the poet seemingly addressing the reader, " Your heart must complete the poem." Poems are written on various subjects - the falling of the blossoms, the reddening of the leaves in the autumn, the glory of the imperial family, the death of a wife or child, or the pleasure of drink. The shortest form of Japanese poetry - but the most popular - is the haiku, a seventeen-syllable poem in three lines of five, seven, and five syllables. Poetry is so intimately bound with Japanese life that the Japanese set aside one day each year as Haiku Day.
With advent of the twentieth century, Western ideas and customs greatly influenced the Japanese. European influences in literature is manifested in translation and imitation, especially in fiction.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Enrichment Activities
1. How are decisions made through:
a. default?
b. habit?
c. imitation?
d. impulse?
e. coin tossing?
f. careful thinking?
2. Among the six ways of making decisions given in #1, what do you think is the best method to follow? Why?
3. What follows a decision made? Explain fully.
Class/Group Discussion/Work
You are invited to a birthday party of your best friend Tuesday night, but you have a scheduled long test Wednesday morning. Your friend told you never miss this party because it means a lot to to her. What do you do? If you are arrive at a very good decision. which of the six methods (#1 above) is the test to use.
Group Work
Group yourselves into manageable numbers. Arrive at a good decision for the problem, using careful thinking. Answer the seven questions and follow the format of listing the pros and cons of the two choices on page 9. Get ready to present the decision arrived at, complete with the step-by-step procedure followed.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Meeting the Needs of the Family
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Provide a quick link to our site
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Two Types Of Expenses
2. Flexible Expenses - expenses that do not come regularly.
Example: expenses for clothing recreation, donation, medical and dental and other emergency expenses.
3. Managing Family Income - means balancing the budget so that time needs of the family are net.
4. Time and Activity Plan - is a tool which help you accomplish your task for the day.
5. Daily Time Schedule - It is other tool which shows the activity to be done for the day and the corresponding timed to be used.
6. Duration - refers to the length of time spent for a certain activity.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
To Conserve our Forest the ff. measure are suggested
Proper Harvesting of forest products
Wise use of cut down trees
Forest Protection
Wild Life conservation
Trees Gives us the ff. Benefits
1. They provide shade and fresh air.
2. They provide lumber for the construction of shelter.
3. They provide materials for the manufacture of paper.
4. They provide firewood.
5. They serve as the Natural habitat for birds.
6. Their roots absorbs water, thereby preventing floods.
7. They minimize evaporation of moisture in the wood lands.
8. They protect virus & streams from ciltation.
9. They cool the air during summer.
10. They provide relavation & enjoyment.
11. They lessen the direct pressure of rain that can displace soil.
12. They Multiply on their own for their specie.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Recomemded Dietary Allowances
The RDA indicates the minimum requirements for each nutrient and the level below where deficiency symptoms occur where optimum feed health is not possible.
2. Food Utilization
3. Food Sources
2. It is also used to check weather the food consumption of an individual complies w/ daily requirements by his/her age group.
3. RDA serve as basis for estimating nutritional food needs, as goals in food production.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Needs and Demands of Family
Wants, desires or demands unlike basics. needs, many may be set aside particularly when money is not available. New clothes, a vacation or a colored T.V, for ex. can wait until the family can afford these. Budget priorities should be determined in order that income may be properly distributed to provide for items in the need list.
To determine how much should be alternated for each item the following pointers are suggested.
1. Family income
2. Considering priorities
3. Tracking Expenditures
4. Adjusting the budget
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Proper Techniques of harvesting, storing and Marketing
Fruits are gathered using fruit pickers ,a basket or other devices.
Weather must be fine at the time for harvesting they should maybe harvesting while wet, early in the morning or during the hottest part of the day to prevent decay.
Fruit boxes Should be placed under the shade of the tree as soon as field.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Importance of Keeping Friends
- Be friendly and welcome the friendship of others.
- Take opportunities/activities that offers you to make friends.
- Start the conversation when you meet someone you want for a friend.
- Cheerfulness invites friendship.
- Be ready and willing to help.
- Take pleasantly with people.
- Be a good listener
- Win many friends and keep their friendship always.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Qualities of a Good Salesman
1. Is sincerely concerned with customers' needs. Do not sell your customer the most expensive item among your products. Give him/her an assortment of goods to choose from.
2. Gives customers the freedom to choose. Do not intimidate by making choices from him/her. A buyer should be given the feeling that he/she is buying and not the salesman merely selling.
3. Is honest to customers. Do not promise the impossible just so he/she will be encouraged to buy. Anything given in surprise is better, and you will be more appreciated.
4. Makes an appointment and keeps it. Do not commit any thing that you cannot fulfill. It will result in a person's bad reputation.
5. Helps customers make good choices. As a salesman, you should know your products. This puts you in a better position to recognize a mistake that your customer is about to make. If this happens, then the customer must be informed. One cancelled order for this kind of reason will gain you a lifetime customer.
6. Treats customers fairly and well. Remember, a salesman or an establishment cannot stay long in the business without the patronage of the customers. Whether a buyer is a voluntary or a convinced customer, he/she must be given the feeling that he/she is valued/important.
7. Protects the customers' interest. Inform consumers of a price increase as soon as you come to know about it. Encourage them to make their orders before the price increase is implemented.
8. Accepts own mistakes. If the mistake is clearly not the customer's, accept it cordially without bothering him/her of "third party liabilities" like the production department, quality control office, packaging department, etc. This is one sure way of getting the full trust and confidence of your customers/
9. Acts in a very business like manner. Do not win customers by means of "tear fall" nor by acting like a pauper. Saying "you cannot refuse me", or "what are friends for" are some unprofessional statements from a salesman.
10. Is modest and honest. Tell the truth about your product but not to the extent of becoming a "bragging stuff". Use adjectives instead of superlatives in describing your products. For example, saying "good" is more convincing than saying "best", "fabulous", etc.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saw Blades
Monday, March 22, 2010
Basic First Aid
People with special medical problems, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, or allergy, are also urged to were some sort of emblem identifying it, as a safeguard against use of medication that might be injurious or fatal an emergency. Emblems may be obtain from Medic Alert Foundation, Turlock, CA 95380.
Most accident occur in homes. National Safety Council figures show that home accidents annually far outstrip those in other locations, such as in autos, at work, or in public places.
In all cases get medical assistance as soon as possible.
Animal Bites - Wounds should be washed with soup under running water and animal should be caught alive for rabies test.
Asphyxiation - Start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation immediately after getting patient to fresh air.
Bleeding - Elevate the wound above the heart if possible. Press hard wound with sterile compress until bleeding stops. Send for doctor if it is severe.
Burns - If mild, with skin unbroken and no blisters, plunge into ice water until pain subsides. Apply a dry dressing if necessary. Send for physician if burn is severe. Apply sterile compresses and keep patient quiet and comfortably warm until doctor's arrival. Do not try to clean burn, or to break blisters.
Chemicals in eye - With patient lying down, pour cupfuls of water immediately into corner of eye, letting it run to other side to remove chemicals thoroughly. Cover with sterile compress. Get medical attention immediately.
Choking - Do not use back slaps to dislodge obstruction. (See Abdominal Thrust)
Convulsions - Place person on back on bed or rug so he can't hurt himself. Loosen clothing. Turn head to side. Do not place a blunt object between the victim's teeth. If convulsions do not stop, get medical attention immediately.
Cuts (minor) - Apply mild antiseptic and sterile compress after washing with soap under warm running water.
Drowning - (See mouth-to-mouth Resuscitation) Artificial breathing must be started at once, before victim is out of the water, if possible. If the victim's stomach is bloated with water, put victim on stomach, place hands under stomach and lift.If no pulse is felt, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This should only be done by those professionally trained. If necessary, treat for shock. (See Shock)
Electric Shock - If possible, turn off power. Don't touch victim until contact is broken; pull him from contact with electrical source using rope, wooden pole, or loop of dry cloth. Start mouth-to mouth resuscitation if breathing has stopped.
Foreign body in eye - Touch object with moistened corner of handkerchief if it can be seen. If it cannot be seen or does not come out after a few attempts, take patient to doctor. Do not rub eye.
Fainting - If victim feels faint, lower head to knees. Lay him down with head turned to side if he he becomes unconscious. Loosens clothing open windows. Keep patient lying quietly for at least 15 minutes after he regains consciousness. Call doctor if faint lasts for more than a few minutes.
Falls - Send for physician if patient has continued pain. Cover wound with sterile dressing and stop any severe bleeding. Do not move patient unless absolutely necessary - as in case of fire - if broken bone is suspected. Keep patient warm and comportable.
Loss of Limb - If a limb is severed, it is important to properly protect the limb so that it can possibly be reattached to the victim. After the victim is cared for, the limb should be place on a clean plastic bag, garbage can or other suitable container. Pack ice around the limb on the OUTSIDE of the bag to keep the limb cold. Call ahead to the hospital to alert them of the situation.
Poisoning - Call doctor. Use antidote listed on label if container is found. Call local Poison Control Center if possible. Except for Iye, other caustics, and petroleum products, induce vomiting unless victim is unconscious. Give milk if poison or antidote is unknown.
Shock (injury-related) - Keep the victim lying down; if uncertain as to his injuries, keep the victim flat on his back. Maintain the victim's normal body temperature; if he weather is cold or damp, place blankets or extra clothing over and under the victim; if weather is hot, provide shade.
Snakebites - Immediately get victim to a hospital. If there is mild swelling pain, apply a constricting band 2 to 4 inches above the bite.
Stings from insects - If possible, remove stinger and apply solution of ammonia and water, or paste of baking soda. Call physician immediately if body swells or patient collapses.
Unconsciousness - Send for doctor and place person on his back. Start resuscitation if he stops breathing. Never give food or liquids to an unconscious person.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
During the days of our forefathers
In turn, the parents continued to support and protect the child from harm as he or she grow older. Even when already married. He or she continued to live with the family, in the fathers house. The father continued to provide support, if necessary, even if the married couple and their children decided to live separately from them. The father believed that everything that was his was theirs.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
A Family Affair
Saturday, February 6, 2010
How To Make Chicken Salad Sandwich
150 grms. chicken, cooked and chopped
1 pc. big potato cooked and diced
1 t. finely chopped onion
2 1/2 t. pickle relish salt, pepper and sugar
2/3 c. salad dressing butter and margarine
Combine chopped chicken, potato, onion, salt, pepper, sugar and pickle relish. Mix thoroughly before adding salad dressing. Spread butter before spreading the filling or the bread slices.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Calling to all Who Have Good Heart and Want to Help us
To those who want to help us, you may please send us at this address direct to us :
(Rosalita G. Moreno
98 B Kabesang Pino st. Pariancillo Villa Valenzuela City, Metro Manila Phil.) or at my paypal account(
You can also contact us at #09104912963 or #09395071019, as soon as we raise, we immediately go back home. We all thank you so much...
I feel embarrass but I need to do this, because we really need help. I think this is the only way to raise as soon as possible. We are really in need. We need to raise money as soon as possible or else it is too late.
Thank you all very very much..
Friday, January 22, 2010
You are Unique!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Life Energy
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Feeling Different
An artificial, man-made language has taken its place. This is the language of supersonic jets, deep sea explosions, and the ruthless exposure of Mother Nature's mountains and hills. Nobody ever listens anymore to the language of babbling brooks, the collage of flowers in bloom, and the entourage of heavenly bodies in clear skies. Nobody listens and Mother Nature feels rejected. Her language is dying and she is dying, too. When she dies, the whole of Asia dies. Blacks and whites die, too.
Friday, January 15, 2010
My Thoughts
There is much to tell about life today. Many think life is better now than four hundred years ago. Still some say, it is much better. But few believed that life was happier and more peaceful then. Are you agree? Have a beautiful day and night.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Showing Love
Hence, obedience to God's commandments is very necessary in securing His constant love and the comfort it gives to our life. Sadly, it is this very important thing that many have failed to value because they are busy improving their lot, allowing themselves to be consumed by worldly pursuits.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Human Voice
The vocal cords are the main sound producers in man. These two small bands of tissue stretch across the Larynx( voice box). One band stretches on each side of the windpipe opening. Muscles in the Larynx stretch and relax the vocal cords.
When we breath, we relax our vocal cords so they form a V-shaped opening that lets air through. When we speak, we pull the vocal cords by the attached muscles, narrowing the opening, Then, as we drive air from the lungs through the Larynx, the air vibrates the tightened vocal cords and sound results.