Saturday, June 12, 2010

How can I protect my right to see my child?

The best way to protect your right to custody(and avoid traumatizing your child with a sticky legal battle) is to sit down with the father and look for an amicable and equitable arrangement. I remember one separated couple who discussed a suitable arrangement between themselves before filling for separation. when I asked them about custody, they said, " We don't have any problems. We already agreed on the custody and the visitation of our children. We both know that we can't be together and that we can't keep on fighting each other. We know that our problems have nothing to do with our children. It's best that the children. Its best that the children get to know us both while they're growing up."

If parents an amicable settlement on the custody and visitation rights of their children, then this saves everyone from anxiety, trauma, and the hassle of endless court hearings. Of course many husbands still exert greater power and influence other their wives, and many more are financially more stable. This can effect the wife's ability and confidence in fighting for her custody rights. Thus, care should be taken in these settlements to ensure that everyone's interests are protected. A lot of discernment and self-examination must be done in deciding who is the best custodian who could serve the best interests of the children.

1 comment:

Nova said...

hi i already changed your URL...