Monday, August 23, 2010

The Meaning of Manicure

Did you know that the word manicure is derived from the Latin word manus which means hand and cura meaning care. Manicure, therefore, is proper care of the hands and nails. Its purpose is to keep the hands and nails clean and well-kept at all times.
In the ancient times, beautiful hands and manicured nails were the exclusive domain of the idle rich. Today, however, every man and woman can avail themselves of proper care of hands and nails, regardless of status in life.
Well manicured nails are not only decorative, but they also show good personal hygiene. To maintain well-groomed nails, one has to do the following:
1. Maintain a healthy diet.
2. Protect nails from elements.
3. Have a regular manicure.
These is how our hands and nails look contributes to our personality. Good nail grooming should be a habit.

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