Saturday, May 31, 2008


The settlements set up in Panay by the seven Bornean datus prospered. The datus divided the islands into three areas; (1) Hantik (now Antique), under Datu Sumakwel; (2) Irong-irong (now Iloilo), under Datu Paliburong; and (3) Aklan (now Aklan and Capiz), under Datu Bangkay. For mutual protection and for better administration, the three areas united themselves into a confederation under the overall rule of Datu Sumakwel, the wisest of the datus. This grouping was called the Confederation of Madya-as. As ruler, Sumakwel gave his people a set of written laws, known today as the Maragtas Code.

The decendants of these Bornean settlers of Panay spread to the surronding islands and founded new settlements there. The term Visayas, by which Panay and the islands near it are known today, was probably invented by these Bornean settlers who were Sri-Vijayans because there were subjects of the empire of Sri-Vijaya to the west of the Philippines.

Datus Dumangsil and Balensusa were also successful in their exploits. Some of their descendants occupied the fertile rergion Laguna de Bay. The others penetrated farther south and east across the mountains and settled in the Bicol Peninsula. They became the ancestors of the Bikolanos of today.

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