Saturday, May 31, 2008
The decendants of these Bornean settlers of Panay spread to the surronding islands and founded new settlements there. The term Visayas, by which Panay and the islands near it are known today, was probably invented by these Bornean settlers who were Sri-Vijayans because there were subjects of the empire of Sri-Vijaya to the west of the Philippines.
Datus Dumangsil and Balensusa were also successful in their exploits. Some of their descendants occupied the fertile rergion Laguna de Bay. The others penetrated farther south and east across the mountains and settled in the Bicol Peninsula. They became the ancestors of the Bikolanos of today.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
My 1st Blog Award
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Friends Around The World
:Start Copy Here::
1. Copy from ::Start Copy Here:: through ::End Copy Here::.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. Just make sure to post this to each of the blog you added in the list.
3. Tag other online friends you know.You don’t need to be tag in order to join. If you want to join just post this one in your blog.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list.That way, everyone is happy and can meet new friends too!
5. Come back once in a while to get the master list! Let’s see how this makes our Technorati and PR goes up!
6. DO NOT REMOVE THIS: scrap page made by Yen, using alphas and tapes from Kate H, flowers from Ida, paper by Catrine.
1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me
3.Little Peanut
4. Pea in a Pod
5. Sugar Magnolias
6.Because Life Is Fun
7. Piece o’Kaje
8. Mon a Bric
9. Celebrate Life
10.My Journey
11. Deeply In Love
12. Pink and Brown Diaries
13. Happyheart
14. Wilstop
15. Fun|Fierce|Fab
116. The Nook
17. Dabawenyako
18. Life Away from Home 19. YOUR BLOG!
::End Copy Here::
Thanks for the tag, Yen! Now, I'm tagging Albert

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The ten Bornean Datus in Doing Business
One dark night after loading on boats thier families, warriors, slaves, and supplies, they secretly left in their balangays (boats) without a specific destination in mind. After sailing north for many days,they reached the southern tip of Panay Island. They landed at the mouth of the Sirwagan River there, near the present town of San Joaquin in Iloilo. from there they proceed ed to lake Andona were they met an ati fisherman. This man led them to the Negrito village of Sinugbuhan and were introduced to the local ruler, King Marikudo and his queen, Maniwantiwan. Datu Puti addressed them and said they came them as friends and would like to buy land.
Marikudo consulted his wife and the elders of his kingdom and agreed to sell some land to them. The purchase price consisted of a gold salakot (a native helmet)for Marikudo and a long gold sumangyad (necklace) for Maniwantiwan. The sell was sealed by a pact of friendship and merry feasting. After that, Marikudo and his people bade farewell to the Borneans and went into the hills.
Seven of the ten datus settled in Panay. The three others ---Balensusa, Dumangsil, and Puti sailed farther north and reached lake Taal, in present-day Batangas Province. Impressed by the fertility and scenic beauty of the area, Balensusa and Dumangsil setled there. Datu Puti, however,returned to Borneo. He told the Borneans about his exciting adventures in the Islands of the north.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Malays Travels

The first arrived about 200 B.C. and represented today 's head-taking Malays---the ancestors of the Bontocs, Ifugaos, Ilongots, Kalingas, Tinggians , and other head-chopping groups in Northern Luzon.
The second wave of Malay migration came after the christian era began and continued through the thirteenth century. Those who arrived in this migratory wave were the alphabet-using Malays and were the ancestors of the Tagalogs, Ilocanos, Pampangos, bicolanos, Visayans, and other christian Filipinos.
The third and last wave of Malay migration came in the fourteenth century and continued arriving up to the sixteenth century when the Spaniards reached Cebu. The Muslim Malays were in this third migratory wave, and their descendants became the Muslim of Mindanao and Sulu. Brown in complexion, the Malays were of medium height, had slender but hardy and supple bodies, straight black hair, dark brown eyes, and low noses. They had scanty beards and the hair covering their bodies was hardly noticeable.

1. both the lowland and the upland methods of rice culture and an advanced system of irrigation;
2. the smelting, forging and manufactured of iron tools and weapons;
3. the art of weaving and pottery making;
4. the manufacture of beads, bracelets, and glass;
5. a system of government, law, religion and
6. writing the arts and the early sciences.
They decorated their bodies with intricate tattoo designs. They wear clothes of woven fabric and ornamented themselves with pearls, beads, glass, colored stones, and gold. They cultivate food crops, medicinal and ornamental plants, and fruit trees. They chewed betel nut and eat meat of domesticated animals, notably the carabao,the cat, the dog, the chicken, and the duck. Their weapons consist of the dagger, bolo, kris, spear, sumpit(blowgun), bow and arrow knife, lantaka(brass cannon), and shield and armor made of animal hide and hardwood.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
IgB---High Colostrum Skim Milk

Tagging : 4ever7; rjmarmol; mamichris; Boxlog
Colostrum is a pre-milk fluid secreted by mammalian mothers after giving birth during the first 24-36 hours of lactation.
Colostrum supplies immune factor and growth factor for whole life.
Since human colostrum is rare, we need to shift to other alternative like cow colostrum.
In fact, cow colostrum is safe and contains 4 times immune factor compared to human colostrum.
- A type of low-lactose milk powder contains natural cow colostrum.
- A quality product from New Zealand that
* 100% natural
* Free hormones/drugs/antibiotics/preservatives and chemicals
* Contains Immunoglobulin (Ig)
* Provide balance nutrition
"Naco IgG-Plus acts as a natural antibody supplier and it is the best sources for a healthy life"

Direction of usage
1-2 sachets a day
Directions of mix
Dissolve a sachet of Nace IgG-Plus into warm water (below 50'C) and mix well. Do not use hot water.

The Indonesians

Friday, May 16, 2008
The Negritos

It was said that the Negritos are the earliest known inhabitants of the Philippines who reached the country from the Asian mainland by the way of the ancient land bridges. Their descendants---called Negritos, Agtas, Aetas, Atis, or Balugas---still exist. It is believe that they came to the Philippines through Palawan and Mindoro, with Borneo as their most probable land of origin. Anthropologists have identified them as being proto--Malays, with dark skin, small flat noses, black kinky hair, small hands and feet, and well-proportion bodies.
The Philippine Pygmies---or Negritos---have the Primitive of the Old Stone Age. They do not live in permanent homes, have no organized government, and have no system of writing. They live by hunting animals in the forest, by fishing, and by gathering greens and wild fruit. They use the bow and arrow and the blowgun with great skill, both as weapons and for hunting. Their clothes are made of leaves and the bark of trees, and their shelters are made of grass and branches of trees. They, however, have their own folktales, legends, songs, dance, and musical instruments. They cook their food with fire, which---before matches arrived-- they produced by rubbing two sticks together.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Earliest Settlers

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Origin of the Philippines

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
History and the other Disciplines
1. Political
2. Economics---------History and economics are jointly concerned with the fact that economic conditions affect the organization, development, and activities of a state. Historians regularly adopt an economic approach when seeking to interpret such matters as financial policies and government regulation of business.
3. Geograph
4. Sociology and Anthropology---The study of history embraces the study of sociology and anthropology. Since history is deeply concerned with the origins and nature of social control and governmental authority and with the abiding influences of race and culture upon society, historians should seek the help of available sociological data.
5. Philosophy---------Concepts and doctrines about the state of universal thinkers are important to the historian. These concepts are the underlying forces in the framing of constitutions and laws. The historian considers branch of philosophy, called ethics, when the analyzes the moral background of proposed changes in social legislation.
6. Psychology---------The historian as well as the psychologist promotes studies of mental and emotional processes motivation the political behavior of individuals and groups. One of the many topics which the historian handles from a psychological approach is that of public opinion, pressure groups, and propaganda.
Monday, May 12, 2008
National seal
Act no. 731, congress of the Philippines, on July 3, 1946. It was designed by Galo B. Ocampo. It embodies three historical symbols. The sun occupies the point of honor in the center of the escutcheon. The three stars represent Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and occupy the shield. On the left side, on a field of blue, is a bald-headed eagle, and on the right side, on the field of red, is a lion.
National Hero: Jose Rizal. He wrote two novels in Spanish---Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo---both containing his ideas of liberty and advocating social and political reforms. These novels and his poems and essays sparked patriotism and love of native land.
National Day: June 12 (Independence Day). This marks the proclamation of Philippine independence from Spanish rule.
National Tree: Narra. This tree stands majestically, its crown adorned with golden flowers and its massive trunk covered with a grayish bark. The tree is a valuable source of medicine and dye. It is one of the world's best hardwoods.
National Costume: Barong Tagalog and Baro't Saya. For me the Barong Tagalog is a long-sleeved shirt made of peña or jusi cloth with elegant hand embroidery. For the woman, the baro't saya is a two-piece attire. The baro is a blouse with butterfly sleeves, and the saya is generally long skirt. It maybe worn in the style of Maria Clara, a balintawak, a patadyong, or a terno for formal occasion.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Appearance to the disciples
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, "Peace be with you." When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. [Jesus] said to them again,"Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you." And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive them, and whose sins you retain are retained."
ORIGINALLY, PENTECOST was a Jewish feast called Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks. A week of weeks is forty-nine days, but if you count both ends (as the Semites did), it comes to fifty. It was celebrated on the fiftieth day after the Feast of Harvest or the Feast of the First-Fruits. It was a major feast and very popular one on which Jews came to Jerusalem from all over the world to celebrate.
The awesome story of the first Christian Pentecost, fifty days after Jesus' resurrection, is told in today's reading from the Acts of the Apostles. Luke, its author , initiates this new creation in the same way which he tends to highlight important events like the birth of Mary's child (2:6) and Jesus' resolute determination to go to Jerusalem to fulfill his mission and die (9:51). He now introduces the dawning of the age of the Holy Spirit as the dominant reality in the life of humankind.In Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, the word for "spirit" is the same as the word for "breath" and for "life".
As symbols of the coming of the Holy Spirit, Luke uses a driving wind, sound, fire, and tongues (Acts 2:2, 3). These symbols wouldn't have been strange to Jews who knew their Scriptures. The Spirit of God blew over the waters at creation and rushed upon David on the occasion of his anointing as king (1 Sm 16:13). And God appeared frequently in the Jewish Scriptures in the from of fire, the best symbol to the Jews of the brightness and intensity of the activity of God - as, for example, God appearing to moses in a burning bush and on Mt. Sinai in the form of lightning.
The familiar symbol of tongues is easily grasped as communicating a heavenly gift. Tongues of fire came to rest on each one of the apostles (Acts 2:4), to the activity of the Holy Spirit. The Phenomenon of the people from many nations understanding the Apostles is the counter type of the confusion of the tongues at the Tower of Babel (Gn 11).
The activity of the Spirit is the subject matter of the rest of the Acts of the Apostles. The Spirit instructs the early missioners, is the driving force in proclaiming the message of salvation, is responsible for conversions to the new faith, gives strength in persecution, is the inspiration for Paul's journeys, and is responsible for the inclusion of non-Jews in the early Church. And all of God's saving activity until the end of time is due to the loving action of the Holy Spirit.
But perhaps the greatest marvel was the fact that weak, timid, and shallow men were changed into bold and wise men who would reach the ends of the earth to proclaim Jesus.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
Hi, to all my online friends. Don't Forget To Wish The Moms in Your Life "Happy Mother's Day"

Myspace Mothers Day Graphics

Myspace Mothers Day Graphics
Friday, May 9, 2008
National Anthem
He comple

The Anthem was wordless for over a year. In August 1899, however, Jose Palma, a young poet-soldier, wrote ''Filipinas'' in Spanish. It was first published in La Independence on September 3, 1899, and became the lyrics of the Philippine national anthem.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
National Distinctions
National Emblem: This is the Philippine flag
It expresses the Filipino Sentiments for freedom, equality and justice.
This flag consists of a white equilateral triangle at the left containing a sun with 8 rays in the center, a five pointed star in each corner of the triangle, an upper stripped of blue, and a lower stripe of red. The white equilateral triangle stands for equality among the people, the upper blue stripe stands for peace, truth, and justice, and the lower red stripe stands for patriotism and valor.
The sun in the triangle represents liberty, and its 8 rays stands for the first 8 provinces that rose in revoltagainst Spain. The three stars symbolize the three main geographical divisions of the country--Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Provinces: Batangas, Aurora, Cavite, Laguna, Marinduque, Oriental Mindoro, Palawan, Quezon, Rizal, and Romblon.
(The National Capital Region, of which Metro Manila is a part is classified as Region 1v-A).
Cities: Batangas, Caloocan, Cavite, Lipa, Lucena, Manila, Pasay, Puerto Prinsesa, Quezon City, San Pablo, Tagaytay, and Trece Martires
Regional Center: Manila
Region V---The Bicol Region
Provinces: Albay, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Catanduanes, Masbate, and Sorsogon.
Cities; Iriga, Legaspi, Naga,
Regional Center: Legaspi City
Region Vl---Western Visayas
Provinces: Aklan, Antique, Capiz, Guimaras( subprovince), Iloilo, Negros Occidental
Cities: Bacolod, Bago, Cadiz, Iloilo, La Carlota, Roxas, San Carlos, Silay
Regional Center: Iloilo City
Region Vll---Central Visayas
Provinces: Bohol, Cebu, Negros Orriental, Siquijor
Cities: Bais, Canlaon, Cebu, Danao, Dumaguete, Lapu-lapu, Mandawe, Tagbilaran, Toledo
Regional Center: Cebu City
Region Vlll---Eastern Visayas
Provinces: Eastern Samar, Leyte, Western Samar,
Cities: Calbayog, Ormoc, Tacloban
Regional CenterTacloban City
Region lX---Western Mindanao and Sulu
Provinces: Sulu, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Tawi-tawi, and Basilan
Cities: Basilan, Dapitan, Dipolog, Pagadian
Regional Center: Zamboanga City
Region X---Northern Mindanao
Provinces: Agusan del Sur, Agusan del Norte, Bukidnon, Camiguin, Misamis Occidental, Misamis Orriental, , Surigao del Norte,
Cities: Butuan, Cagayan de Oro, Ginoog, Oroquieta, Ozamis, Tangub
Regional Center: Cagayan de Oro City
Region Xl---Southern Mindanao
Provinces: Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Davao Orriental, Surigao del Sur
Cities: Davao, General Santos
Regional Center: Davao City
Region Xll---Central Mindanao
Provinces: Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Cotabato, sultan Kudarat, South Cotabato
Cities: Iligan, Marawi, Koronadal
Regional Center: Koronadal
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Message of thanks and Greatfulness
When he's not around I feel very angry i said to myself that when he's back i will confront him angrily, this morning I hurriedly call him, but when we talk no words comes out in my mouth. I only ask him why he left for a long couple of hours without calling his parents just to say hi, or hello here I am and so on and so for,while he answer me i feel something that he hide the truth why? I feel sad about the matter I smell there is something complicated, what I say to him is just don't do it again.
I can't even speak something, even told him that even there is or are something that brought him to scape the matter is that you are doing not really good. Think about your love ones that you left that are thinking of you, not even sleeping because of the worried that scariest our feelings.
No I can really speak everything because i really smell that there are things that are complicated. And this afternoon I go there to talk my Nephew about it. I call him again but he's not around. Hayyy ... children's now are very different compare to our old days.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
MY Nephew is missing

Last night my sister call me on phone and ask if his son is in our house ? I said he does not here, and my sister cry and told me that his son left at home last Friday afternoon and ask her permission to went out and submit his application to the work that he apply. But until that moment he's not back home .And now here they are in my house (my sister and his hubby)ask for a help)Co'z until now my nephew was still not here.

My nephew is a full scholar of PUP Sta. mesa school. And a Valedictorian of San Juan High School. Oh M y God , God, God, .
Friday, May 2, 2008
New Domain Name
Can I have your favor, if you have my link to your website or blog kindly please change the URL of my blog.
I'll appreciate it and thanks a lot to this effort you will do for me. Let me know when you change it. And to those who not link me wanna exchange links too? Let me know.....
Thursday, May 1, 2008

1. to establish a functional basis for planning and management at the regional level,
2. to ensure regional equality in terms of the regional living conditions of the people and
3. to improve the efficiency of government agencies by concentrating on existing regional branches in the various areas and by creating new regional offices where these are needed.
In determining the regional centers, three things were taken into account:
1. the degree of urbanization.
2. the economic and servicing capacities and links to the national capital and to the other regions of the country and
3.strategic and convenient location along land and water transportation routes.
Base on this criteria, the following regions were established by the Reorganization Plan after it became a law through Presidential decree no. 742.