Saturday, April 26, 2008

''Q'' Tag

Got this tag from joy thanks to Joy for giving me a chance to express my feelings. This a good and interesting Tag.

1.Answer the Kid’s Question by Gregory Stock, PH.D.
Don’t respond as you think others want you to. Respond the way you actually feel!

2. Add your name (linked to your blog)

3. Tag everybody else!

Kid’s Question #1If you were the ruler of the world and you could have anything you wanted as well as have people do anything you wanted, do you think you would get greedy and mean or would you be a good and fair ruler?

Answer : Wish it could be happen to me he . he .. he.. If it could be happen that I will be the ruler of the world,I am not mean and greedy co'z i want that all people will love each other and helpful without a cost.No hassle, not selfish,no quarelling, most no backfighting (at walang ingitera) as what we see peoples character as of now. I will punish all of them if they have a character like i mention.Even thuogh being a ruler is not an easy task but I will do my best to be good and fair as a ruler, to make myself a good example to all my people and community.

Jhong, Alpha, Women explore, Em, Something Purple, Our Journey to Life, My Planet Purple, Princess Bela, Princess Vien, cookie jar of entertainment, allinkorea, kim, idealpinkrose,
korean food, Jackie's Everyday Life, Jackie Simply Pinay, Words of Love, A Whole New World, Jcelyn's Journal, Tasteful Voyage, A Mom's note, There's no place like home, A Family Man, Everything Under the Sun , Woman Under God's Grace , Ozlife, Everyday Life, Philippine Government and History,Life is Wonderful, YOUR LINK HERE

I would also like to Tag my friends like Geneve, Renegade, Marilyn,
Laura, Loannah, Jasa, Bregie, Dana, Nova.

1 comment:

Nova said...

hi rosa... i got it now.. pero i'll get back here tomorrow nlng kay nalibat na jud ko ba..its very early na in the morning diri...

need to sleep...thank you for these tag...

happy sunday...