Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Acropolis of Athens, Greece

In the City of Athens, Greece, stands a hill 160 meters high. The hill is the Acropolis. The word ''Acropolis''means ''upper city''.The ancient Greeks used hills as forts, because fighting uphill was hard for their enemies. Handsome temples were built on this hills to honor the gods and goddesses of the Greeks. Many cities in ancient Greece had an acropolis, but the most famous one is Athens.

Over 400 years before Christ, several magnificent marble temples were built on the Acropolis of Athens in Honor of the goddess Athena. The great gatehouse of the Acropolis, called the Propylaea,was the Athenians Favorite building.

The most famous temple is the Parthenon, design by Phidias, one of the most noted architects of all time. Most people think that the Parthenon is one of the most beautiful buildings ever built. But the statue was lost long ago.

Another temple, the Erechtheum, is known for its''Porch of the Maidens''. The six'' Maidens'' are pillars that are statues of woman. The pillars hold up the roof of the porch.
Many parts of the Acropolis temples were destroyed by time and war. But some of them have now rebuilt. People from all over the world go to see the Acropolis.

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