2. Leave copies of etinerary and passport data page and visas with family or friends, or you can be contacted in case of an emergency.
3. Check your overseas medical insurance coverage.
4. Familiarized yourself with local conditions and laws.
5. Take precautions to avoid being a target of claim. Do not wear conspicuous clothing or jewelry and do not carry excessive amount of money. Also donot leave unattended luggage in public areas and donot accept packages from strangers.

thx for the info!
Very nice tips sis.. Thanks a lot for dropping by my page and for following!
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I can relate on #5. On our last trip, there was a girl who followed us and was begging us to put that small box in our luggage. She said she didn't have enough space on hers. If I was alone, maybe I already accepted that box because she looked pitiful. But when she's gone, my hubby said it was drugs and he reminded me not to let someone put things in our luggage.
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